Monday, August 25, 2008
Places to find Coupons online
A good friend of mine was just sharing a neat website with me yesterday, so the first thing I wanted to do was share this information with everyone I can. Then looking through my usually blog role I came across this wonderful post at Coupon Cravings that has already said what I was getting ready to post...
Well it's BACK the mix and match 10 for $10 and the 4 12pks for $11, buy 4 Get the 5th Free. Rumor has it that Coke will be increasing their prices after this week....
Also in the Cincinnati area Buy any one of the following items: Tide, Bounty Basic paper towels, Pringles, Herbal Essences Hair Care, Old Spice Body Wash or Gillette Disposable Razors with your kroger card between 8/24-9/13 and be automatically entered to win 4 tickets to one of the 8 bengals home games this season.
This deal is sweetened with Pringles and Basic paper towels on sale 10/$10!
Also Tide 20-32 loads are on sale for $5.99 ($1 cpn through P&G saver to add to your plus card)
Old Spice Body Wash 2/$7
Gillette Disposable Razors $5
Herbal Essences Hair care 3/$8
So they are all on sale this week, plus the P&G saver coupons and my favorite out of this week is the $1 off/ coke zero 12pk coupon from vocal point! Getting 5 12pks for $6 opp!
Click here to check out your local Kroger ad.
Also in the Cincinnati area Buy any one of the following items: Tide, Bounty Basic paper towels, Pringles, Herbal Essences Hair Care, Old Spice Body Wash or Gillette Disposable Razors with your kroger card between 8/24-9/13 and be automatically entered to win 4 tickets to one of the 8 bengals home games this season.
This deal is sweetened with Pringles and Basic paper towels on sale 10/$10!
Also Tide 20-32 loads are on sale for $5.99 ($1 cpn through P&G saver to add to your plus card)
Old Spice Body Wash 2/$7
Gillette Disposable Razors $5
Herbal Essences Hair care 3/$8
So they are all on sale this week, plus the P&G saver coupons and my favorite out of this week is the $1 off/ coke zero 12pk coupon from vocal point! Getting 5 12pks for $6 opp!
Click here to check out your local Kroger ad.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Slow week
So I thought I would join the rest of the money saving bloggers and make sure I post all the greatest deals, but I never seem to have time to post. After I read all the great deals and set out my plan for the week my sons nap time is UP!!! I've been trying to catch up in the evenings after he goes to bed for the night, but it's been a bad week.
So my new plan is to try to leave short comments to links of the best list of deals I find, which looking into things it could be awhile before I see many great ones, due to the lack of deals at CVS and Walgreens. Of course the end of the month is coming so we'll have to see what great freebies are going on next month!
I have a post about my great deals from last week, but haven't been able to get my pic on it... I will share it without the pic ASAP. As far as this week I made one trip to Walgreens and one to Krogers! When I got home from my Kroger trip last week and saw they were still having the great $5/$20 Nestle product I had to go back for MORE!! My best deal was Purnia dog chow ON SALE for $15 and 2/$5 Juicy Juice with $4 coupon here on the dog food and (2) $1 coupons here for the Juicy Juice. So with the $5/$20 and coupons my total was.... $9 saving more than 50%. I did this deal last week too, so we now have enough dog food for a few months!
So my new plan is to try to leave short comments to links of the best list of deals I find, which looking into things it could be awhile before I see many great ones, due to the lack of deals at CVS and Walgreens. Of course the end of the month is coming so we'll have to see what great freebies are going on next month!
I have a post about my great deals from last week, but haven't been able to get my pic on it... I will share it without the pic ASAP. As far as this week I made one trip to Walgreens and one to Krogers! When I got home from my Kroger trip last week and saw they were still having the great $5/$20 Nestle product I had to go back for MORE!! My best deal was Purnia dog chow ON SALE for $15 and 2/$5 Juicy Juice with $4 coupon here on the dog food and (2) $1 coupons here for the Juicy Juice. So with the $5/$20 and coupons my total was.... $9 saving more than 50%. I did this deal last week too, so we now have enough dog food for a few months!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
A must read for any couple...
So here I am a beginner at CVS, Walgreen's and Kroger dealing and along comes a husbands view of what we frugals are to our husbands... Check it out!
New Saving Site
So the Cincinnati Enquirer has developed a new site savingCentral with Melissa's Picks. It has a few blogs with local deals. There is also a map of the area with pin points of garage sales as well as gas prices throughout the Cincinnati area! I'm excited to learn more about it. Of course they also have a link to, another great site to find information, deals and advise! Check it out!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
If you are ever looking for random electronics, you need to check out Every day they have random things cheap, once they're out the sale is done. Some days if they sell out early they will have another product, otherwise just one product a day. If sales aren't great the price will sometimes lower as the day goes on... Gotta love cheap tech stuff especially for all the men in our lives!
My first deal post
So I have been saving due to my new found info from fellow bloggers and this week has made me so proud that I've got to share my success. In my picture and along with a few Pillsbury items in the fridge I have over $90 worth of items from CVS, WAGS, WalMart and Krogers and my total out of pocket is $1.46 after coupons and the available rebates!!!
My husband is just starting to get used to my tactics but he is enjoying their benefits! He's even talking about building me storage units so I have a nice place to store all of our goodies!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Suze Orman
I knew nothing about Suze Orman until I saw her on Oprah. I absolutely LOVE her! I love that she knows what she's talking about, she's been there done that. I love her straight forward attitude, I'm not one to beat around the bush I rather get to the point and get it over. Most people don't realize that most of the time the truth hurts, mostly because when someone need to hear the truth it's the LAST thing they really want to hear.
I must say that we have never been in horrible financial trouble, but I gain perspective on how easily it can happen. By no means are we debt free or free of financial stress. We have been blessed that we have all the things we need and most of the things we want. So we listen to Suze and try to keep on the right track. So we're able to enjoy life as long as the Lord lets us!
I would watch Suze's show, but since we watch what we spend we don't have cable or satellite. Most people wonder how we live without it, but I was the one on bedrest for MONTHs and it was my idea to do without. Don't get me wrong I know I watch more television than anyone should, but I truly enjoy network shows. I would watch the Food Network ALL day, and did when we could, but since we've moved I've tried to limit myself to a few hours a day. So far I am proud to say that I might watch 2-3 hours a day, some may think this is a lot, but I used to turn the TV on at 9am and turn it off around 11 pm!!! So I am glad that I have been able to make the change and give my son and family more of my time.
If you have any financial issues, problems or even complete failures please PLEASE talk to someone, the first step to getting help is admitting you have a problem.... this is true about ANY problem! Don't be ashamed to admit your problem or ask for help!
I must say that we have never been in horrible financial trouble, but I gain perspective on how easily it can happen. By no means are we debt free or free of financial stress. We have been blessed that we have all the things we need and most of the things we want. So we listen to Suze and try to keep on the right track. So we're able to enjoy life as long as the Lord lets us!
I would watch Suze's show, but since we watch what we spend we don't have cable or satellite. Most people wonder how we live without it, but I was the one on bedrest for MONTHs and it was my idea to do without. Don't get me wrong I know I watch more television than anyone should, but I truly enjoy network shows. I would watch the Food Network ALL day, and did when we could, but since we've moved I've tried to limit myself to a few hours a day. So far I am proud to say that I might watch 2-3 hours a day, some may think this is a lot, but I used to turn the TV on at 9am and turn it off around 11 pm!!! So I am glad that I have been able to make the change and give my son and family more of my time.
If you have any financial issues, problems or even complete failures please PLEASE talk to someone, the first step to getting help is admitting you have a problem.... this is true about ANY problem! Don't be ashamed to admit your problem or ask for help!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
What I've done for years....
The 2009 Entertainment Book is Now Available! Order Today and Get Free Shipping!
I have bought at LEAST one of these each year for at least 5 years. Last year I think I got my money back the day I bought it, since the promotion at the time was a free $25 Gift Certificate! Then of course we've used many coupons eating out and taking our son to attractions. We love it and when we lived in another city we had one for there and one for when we came to visit our families!! Defiantly worth and we can't wait till our new one comes in the mail!
Monday, August 11, 2008
How I got here
I want to talk about some of the blogs that have lead me on my new adventure at Saving tons of money on little things so we have more for the other things we love! When we moved I tried to find some way to get connected so I wouldn't miss all my friends. That lead me to where I came across a recommended blogger Money Saving Mom. They were so right to recommend her saving skills, most of the sites I read regularly also get great info from her website. Soon I will have a list of my favorite blogs so that everyone will be able to enjoy them along with me!
A few months ago I started reading 1-2 blogs a day trying to catch onto the whole CVS and Walgreen's rave. It took me at least 3-4 weeks before I understood what was Really going on. I didn't even attempt to start shopping I just read and learned for weeks. I am very glad that I kept learning and I am still a novious and every week I feel like learn more and more with each shopping experience.
A few months ago I started reading 1-2 blogs a day trying to catch onto the whole CVS and Walgreen's rave. It took me at least 3-4 weeks before I understood what was Really going on. I didn't even attempt to start shopping I just read and learned for weeks. I am very glad that I kept learning and I am still a novious and every week I feel like learn more and more with each shopping experience.
Friday, August 8, 2008
For the first time ever, Take 80% off 25 Gift Certificates. Pay $2 when you use the code FIRST.Now valid through 8-10-08.

So I know I've just started, but I have to share that I love and today is a HUGE reason why!!!Today ONLY Until August 10 (sale extended due to popular demand!), they are selling their gift certificates for 80% OFF Enter Discount Code: FIRST At Checkout and Hit "APPLY".
That means you can get a $25 GC for $2.... Check out that savings!!! I found this website earlier this year when I got a free one when I bought my Entertainment book online! My husband and I use these to eat out once or twice a month, and on special occasions we take people out with us! There are some restrictions, mostly you have to spend $35/2 entrees(I haven't questioned weather they mean you have to spend $35 total or at least 2 entrees) and like in our area there are only 2 restaurants that we go to, but the food is great and we love to get out every once and awhile! If you miss this deal don't worry they typically have 60% and 70% deals often.
So I know I've just started, but I have to share that I love and today is a HUGE reason why!!!
That means you can get a $25 GC for $2.... Check out that savings!!! I found this website earlier this year when I got a free one when I bought my Entertainment book online! My husband and I use these to eat out once or twice a month, and on special occasions we take people out with us! There are some restrictions, mostly you have to spend $35/2 entrees(I haven't questioned weather they mean you have to spend $35 total or at least 2 entrees) and like in our area there are only 2 restaurants that we go to, but the food is great and we love to get out every once and awhile! If you miss this deal don't worry they typically have 60% and 70% deals often.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Before the begining
So I want to start with what I was doing before I found the deals and steals from other mom's blogs. When our son was born my husband and I agreed that we didn't want to put him in daycare.... So that meant I was going to become a stay at home mom. The transition for me was not as hard as some, I was not to work at 13 weeks and then strict bed rest at 24 weeks. So I had plenty of time to get used to not working and staying home ALL day!
Once my short term disability pay ran out we knew we were going to have to make some BIG changes to stay in the black. We tried to stop eating out (we're STILL working on that one!) my husband sold his truck, then my husband got a better paying job that moved us closer to our families! When we moved we decided to go without cable or satellite. My husband found that one of his co-workers lives just a few houses down the street, they carpool and that leaves me our car :D. I always shop at Wal-Mart and Sam's, making sure to use my coupons on the things we needed.
The biggest help has been P&G Discovery center and their diaper studies. This has funded our groceries for months! Anyone in the Cincinnati area with children needs to take advantage of their program. I don't know the referral limits but feel free to contact me if you'd like information on how to get into their database.
So now I realize how much I've been missing out on!!! So here I am beginning to learn how to save by shopping CVS, Walgreen's and even Kroger's to get things for next to nothing! Hope that I maybe able to show other's what they are missing!
Once my short term disability pay ran out we knew we were going to have to make some BIG changes to stay in the black. We tried to stop eating out (we're STILL working on that one!) my husband sold his truck, then my husband got a better paying job that moved us closer to our families! When we moved we decided to go without cable or satellite. My husband found that one of his co-workers lives just a few houses down the street, they carpool and that leaves me our car :D. I always shop at Wal-Mart and Sam's, making sure to use my coupons on the things we needed.
The biggest help has been P&G Discovery center and their diaper studies. This has funded our groceries for months! Anyone in the Cincinnati area with children needs to take advantage of their program. I don't know the referral limits but feel free to contact me if you'd like information on how to get into their database.
So now I realize how much I've been missing out on!!! So here I am beginning to learn how to save by shopping CVS, Walgreen's and even Kroger's to get things for next to nothing! Hope that I maybe able to show other's what they are missing!
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
In the begining
I've been trying to keep up with many bloggers, with the great deals and freebies they find on a weekly basis. I have decided to throw my hat in the ring and start sharing my experiences in my small rural area. It can be a struggle to bargain shop when your 30 miles outside of the city in a SMALL town with a single grocery store and a family dollar. So I do my best to find the deals that work for me and my boys and only make 1-2 trips out a week to save on gas and there's only so much you can get done when your shopping with a toddler! SO come along and enjoy the trip!!
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