Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Well we are hoping that the effects from Ike are about through!!! We lost power Sunday for 12 hours, then Monday night for about an hour and then today we were out for about 6 hours....
After my weekend with my Walgreen's trip I didn't find much at CVS or Walgreens to get me out of the house. Of course there's also the fact that most of Cincinnati has been out of power this week, we are fortunate that we've only been out a few hours here and there. We are also so fortunate that the weather has been wonderful, we defiantly feel for all those down south that have had to deal with IKEs aftermath in the sweltering heat!

Just wanted to post an update since we have power at the moment! May make a trip to Walgreens at the end of the week after the little man and I have a MOPS picnic in the park!

For Meijer deals check out Cincinnati Cents.

For WalMart deals check out Deal Seeking Mom

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